Diagnostic Technology

Optical Coherence Tomography

Arguably the most beneficial piece of equipment introduced to the world of medical eye care, this non-invasive imaging uses light waves to scan structures in your eye at a microscopic, cross sectional level. Within seconds, your doctor can look for glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and many other sight threatening conditions.

Automated Perimetry

Perimetry is a test of your functional visual field. This test assesses for small blind spots or loss of peripheral vision that often goes unnoticed. This test helps diagnose and manage conditions such as glaucoma, brain tumors, and strokes.

Optomap Imaging

The first of its kind in ultra-wide field retinal imaging. This camera is able to safely and quickly let your doctor view 65% more of the inside of your eyeball than a traditional eye exam. The images are saved so comparison year-after-year means a higher chance your doctor catches problems early. Optomap helps diagnose diabetic eye disease, hypertensive eye disease, macular degeneration, and many other retinal diseases.

Adult Wellness Exam

Typically scheduled annually, your optometrist will do an overall assessment of your vision and eye health.

  • A refraction will be performed by your doctor to find the proper glasses prescription to achieve your clearest visual acuity
  • A sensorimotor screening is performed to assess binocular vision (eye alignment) and accommodation (focusing ability)
  • Tonometry is performed to check your eye pressure, which can cause vision loss if too elevated
  • Biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy are performed to screen you for dry eye disease, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cancer, and a number of other serious sight and life threatening conditions

Contact Lenses Fitting

Typically scheduled annually to find a contact lens that is healthy for your unique eyes.

  • In addition to the foundation of a wellness examination, your doctor will perform a keratometry measurement to find the curvature needed for a contact lens, along with a special refraction over the lenses to find the correct powers
  • Pachymetry measurements may be performed and special dyes may be used to examine your cornea for serious contact lens related complications

Pediatric Wellness Exam

Typically scheduled every one to two years, your optometrist is able to evaluate your child for a wide range of pediatric visual and health complications that school screenings regularly miss.

  • A refraction, or a special technique called dilated retinoscopy, will be performed to evaluate the need for glasses without your child needing to choose between “1 or 2.”
  • A sensorimotor screening measures binocular vision and accommodation, along with depth perception, color vision, and a sight threatening condition called amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy are performed to screen your child for congenital eye tumors, congenital cataracts and glaucoma

InfantSEE Exam

Your optometrist provides a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service – no one is turned away.

  • Dilated retinoscopy is performed to evaluate the need for glasses or lazy eye therapy
  • Gross sensorimotor screening is performed to ensure eye movements, eye coordination, and cognitive function is age-appropriate
  • Non-invasive, painless, dilated binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy is performed to check for serious eye health problems

Diabetic Eye Examinations

Recommended at least annually to detect early signs of diabetic eye disease, which can cause blindness.

  • In addition to the foundation of a wellness examination, your doctor will perform dilated retinal fundoscopy to evaluate the blood vessels of the retina, which diabetes can permanently damage.
  • Your doctor may order special retinal photographs or OCT scans of the inside of your eye to assess for blinding diabetic swelling

Dry Eye Evaluation

Depending on severity, evaluations may be scheduled anywhere from every 1 month to every year.

  • Biomicroscopy lets your doctor evaluate for signs or scarring from mild to severe dryness
  • Special drops and dyes let your doctor measure how fast your tears evaporate as well as their overall quality
  • Your oil ducts are evaluated for atrophy or poor oil production
  • Special procedures can be ordered, like placing punctal plugs into the tear ducts to increase your tear level
  • Reports can be sent to your medical doctor to coordinate care if your dryness is related to an auto-immune condition

Emergency Eye Care

Same-day appointments are available for emergent cases of eye pain or vision loss.

  • Special drops and dyes may be used to visualize your eye better for proper and timely diagnosis
  • Advanced diagnostic scans may be performed to assess for sight threatening conditions
  • For objects stuck in the eye, our doctors have the most precise tools to remove them, typically resulting in less scarring

Cataract, LASIK, & Other Post-Operative Surgical Care

We work together with your surgeon to perform the post-operative examinations of your eyes for a successful recovery after your operation.

  • Biomicroscopy is performed to look for infections, unwanted inflammation, and scar tissue
  • Tonometry measures eye pressure to screen for unwanted reactions to the procedure or post-op medications
  • Reports are sent to your surgeons or medical doctors so we maintain efficient, quality health care

High Risk Medication Monitoring

Post-Operative Surgical Care

Typically recommended at least annually for patients that are taking medications that can have severe ocular complications (such as Plaquenil, chemotherapy drugs, prednisone, and tamoxifen).

  • Biomicroscopy is performed to screen the retina for bleeding or medication deposition within the eye
  • The lens is assessed for formation of medication-induced cataract
  • An OCT scan is performed to look for swelling or damage to the retina
  • An automated visual field test is performed to monitor for potentially permanent visual field loss


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